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Delight Munachy Acquires New Lagos Home

Afro-Gospel Music Sensation - Delight Munachy Acquires New Lagos Home

Afro-Gospel Music Sensation – Delight Munachy Acquires New Lagos Home

Afro-Gospel music sensation –ย Delight Munachyย just acquired a duplex in Lagos. She took to her social media platforms to share the good news as she attributed her success to God and God alone.

Afro-Gospel Music Sensation - Delight Munachy Acquires New Lagos Mansion 3
Afro-Gospel Music Sensation – Delight Munachy Acquires New Lagos Mansion 3
Munachy, who is known for songs such asย Chop Life,ย Your Love,ย Blow My Mind,ย and her most recent release –ย ”Own My Heart”ย shared a video clip and some images of her new home on her Instagram page with the captionย โ€œMy Houseโ€ย – which has garnered numerous likes and comments from her fansย and followers.ย 
The construction of her new home is a significant milestone in Delight Munachyโ€™s life, and a clear indication that she is not just a successful artiste, but also a savvy entrepreneur who is making a mark in the Nigerian music industry.
Afro-Gospel Music Sensation - Delight Munachy Acquires New Lagos Mansion 3
Afro-Gospel Music Sensation – Delight Munachy Acquires New Lagos Mansion 3


The young singer who is also an IT Engineer by profession and budding entrepreneur is known for her remarkable hard work, focus and tenacity. Combining studies, with music, work and business, she has gone ahead to build wealth and isn’t relenting in her efforts.

Delight Munachy who just dropped a music video months ago has equally hinted on the prospect of an EP coming through.ย Munachyโ€™s success is a reflection of the industryโ€™s potential, and itโ€™s a clear indication that Nigerian gospel music is making its mark in the world.

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”We are the ones meant to show the light and prosperity, as well as God’s goodness while the world learns from us.” –ย Delight Munachy comments

Congratulations are definitely in order for her asย we look forward to more great music and achievements from her in the future.
Facebook | Twitter | Instagram:ย @delightmunachy

Joshua Daniel

Nigerian based gospel minister CEO of Revelationmusik, a blogger, a social media manager and an entrepreneur. I have worked with so many notable names and award-winning artists in the Gospel genre of Christian music, both locally and internationally.

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