About us

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About us

About us:  Revelationmusik is a company working towards achieving a standard music record label, to discover and encourage artists, help them reach their potential and create a good atmosphere where music can strive in all the cosmos.

Creating and committing ourselves to do things that will inspire us musically

that will help every artist reach their goals and stick with them,

 Digital music promoting platform, where artists can buy and sell their music worldwide.

The concept about us, revelationmusik store is to have both young and old, artists and non-Artistes enjoy our service
discovering most upcoming artists don’t get anything from their Music

and so they tend to give up on their dreams. Changing the narratives.

Multiple acts with large social media following interested in signing to the label and also distributing to major music stores, Music distribution to all major online stores secured via revelationmusik, including iTunes, Spotify, Apple Music, Tidal, Deezer and Google Play.

We are not only a record label but also digital music promoting platform, where artists can buy and sell their music worldwide.
On average an artist on revelationmusik earns 60 -70% of their iTunes revenue and also Spotify

There are over 20,000 subscribers on our platform streaming, and downloading music worldwide.

We have new business partners both local and international and a web, and social media presence. Our target market is the youth from Age 16 -to 28, mostly popular in African Countries

Revelationmusik is creating brand recognition and new marketing opportunities by developing,

implementing and evaluating plans to promote releases and sales,

through PR strategies and social media campaigns.

Also securing deals for TVs, Films and Games. The artiste has 60% while we keep 40% of every income made.

Our mobile apps for Blackberry phones (Available for FREE on Blackberry Appworld),

Android phones (Google Play Store), Apple Store (iPhones, iPads, iPod Touch) and

via a variety of media players including windows media player,

Winamp and other media players are accessible from our website.

What makes us unique is that we don’t just play music,

we have a variety of programmes aimed at strengthening the Church

and spreading the gospel beyond the limited geographical location with the help of technology.








Professionalism: Delivery at the highest level of expertise

Relationship: Creating and nurturing connection

Affection: Unflinching passion for our mission

Integrity: Impeccable lifestyle

Service: Positive attitude to responsibilities

Excellence: Displaying creative wisdom


Revelationmusik represents the Gospel and its ministers through viable and positive tools available online, thereby bringing the Gospel and its ministers to the fore while filling the vacuole in the media that has left out the gospel for a long time.

 Jesus Christ, called to be a messenger, separated to the gospel of God which He promised before through His prophets in the Holy Scriptures concerning His Son Jesus Christ our Lord.

Who was born of the seed of David according to the flesh.

The Greatest Celebrity ever, who blew up from a humble neighbourhood in Galilee, 2000 years later, He is still being followed by millions of people from all around the world.

He was declared to be the Son of God with power according to the spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead.

 Believe that the Bible is the inerrant and inspired word of God which is also sufficient for ALL matters of faith, doctrine and practice.

We believe in ONLY ONE GOD who eternally exists as three co-equal persons – Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

That Adam sinned, ALL HAVE SINNED and are under God’s judgment, wrath and condemnation.

We believe that faith in Jesus Christ ALONE is necessary for man’s salvation.

Because of Jesus’ work on the cross, all who come to God through Him are free from condemnation and experience peace with God.

believing that our Lord Jesus Christ has two natures – fully God and fully man. He is eternally God and at a time in history, took on flesh and was born by the Virgin Mary. He was crucified, suffered death and was buried.

On the third day, He rose BODILY, was seen by many and ascended into heaven where He sits at the right hand of the Father and as our High Priest, He daily intercedes for us.

The WORK OF THE HOLY SPIRIT in the individual believer and in the Church as a community and body of Christ.

The paramount thing About us is that we believe in the resurrection of both the dead and the living. As the final judge, Christ will raise all, with the righteous enjoying ETERNAL LIFE and the unrighteous, eternal death.

Meet our Staffs (Team)



Joshua Daniel – (c e o) • multiple award-winning, dynamic Song-writer, • Vocalist, Recording Artist • web Designer, • Blogger, • Graphic designer, • Video Editor, • Social media Executive. • Graduate in Marketing and Business Administration


Content Creator

I love Poetry and everything creative, traveling and meeting new people is a growing addiction.

Joshua Moses

Social media Manager

Social media Manager ,Gospel Music Artist




Finanacial mangers


Social Media & Forecast

Follow us on our Social media

FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/officialrevelationmusik

TWITTER: https://twitter.com/revelationmusik​
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/revelationmusik
LINKDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/revelationmusik

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAm_yHHAENBhhc71CmBrUaQ


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