Samson Ahmed

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Samson Ahmed is a multifaceted individual, serving both as a minstrel and a pastor within the Gospel Ministries International. As a minstrel, he likely uses his musical talents to spread the message of Christianity through song, uplifting and inspiring congregations with his performances. Music has long been recognized as a powerful tool for spiritual expression and outreach, and as a minstrel, Samson Ahmed likely plays a pivotal role in connecting people to their faith through the medium of music.

In addition to his musical endeavours, Samson Ahmed holds the esteemed position of president within the EL-BETHEL Christian Network. This leadership role suggests that he plays a significant part in guiding and overseeing the activities and direction of this Christian network. As the president, he may be responsible for strategic planning, decision-making, and ensuring that the network remains aligned with its mission and values.

Through his dual roles as a minstrel and a pastor, as well as his leadership within the EL-BETHEL Christian Network, Samson Ahmed likely impacts the lives of many individuals, both within his local community and beyond. His dedication to spreading the Gospel through music and ministry serves as a testament to his commitment to his faith and the spiritual well-being of others.

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