Yadah Biography,Songs,Career,Husband

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Yadah was born as Agaga praise Kukeurim. She is a singer, songwriter and fashion designer who hails from obanliku local government of Cross River State, Nigeria. She spent most of her life in Abuja Nigeria where she had her primary and secondary schooling.

Yadah holds a first degree in Economics Education from Nasarawa state university and has since been known to be a woman with an undying interest in music, fashion and entrepreneurship.
She lives in Abuja, Nigeria, from where she reaches the world with her undeniable greatness wrapped in rich sounds.
Yadah is a great, seasoned and passionate songwriter.
She prides in calling herself the voice of JESUS to nations and would always gladly sing about God’s love and the cross.
Under the management of SonsHub media, she released her debut single ‘goodie goodie’ in 2017 which was followed by other great songs like ‘you fell for me’, ‘I’m confident’, Etc.
In 2018 she released an Ep tagged ‘the blood covenant’ which gained acceptance all over.


Life philosophy

Yadah believes in dreams. She believes you can become whatever you want if you are willing to learn and do all it takes to become it.

In Yadah’s words ‘I believe in the one and only true God.
I believe that he gave his son who came as a man to die for our sins and that through his death on the cross we have the remission and forgiveness of sins. I believe that whosoever believes in the Son has eternal life and a hope for the coming glory and manifestation of sons. I believe in Christ’s cross and all that it is to a believer!!!



Yadah hungers passionately for the sharing of the gospel. It is her dream that one day we will all come to the unity of faith. That one day all of the earth will be filled with the knowledge of Jesus, that all will come to repentance and be saved. That the eyes of our understanding are enlightened so we understand what the true gospel is. It is her yearning that the eyes of men be so focused on the cross that everything else fades.

Yadah is driven by the loss. By the unsaved. By the ones who have not heard the gospel. As she will say it ‘ they will hear and come to the knowledge of the truth. And be saved!!!


With so much evidently up her sleeves, we can’t but deny that her musical journey is worth the attention is has gotten so far.


Is Yadah Married?
As of the time, this article was written, Minister Yadah is still single. so therefore she is not married and we do not know when she would be getting married
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