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Joy Uyo Adejo Biography,Songs,Husband, Career
Tell us a little about yourself
My name is Joy Uyo Adejo, The only daughter of Rev and Pastor Mrs Adejo, the only girl amidst four boys. I am the third child. I hail from Kogi state, I am Igala. I studied Mass communication at Bingham University. I’m a fun easy-going person who is very passionate about God, I love Art in all its forms and I enjoy developing people.
Joy Uyo Adejo ‘Ascension’When did you start singing?
I started singing from the age of 7, that was when I knew my voice kind of stood out every time I sang with other kids at children’s church. Haha! And I have been singing ever since.
What did your family do to encourage or discourage you?
Oh, my family were very supportive of my singing, my mum would buy loads of kiddies praise so I can sing along and they encouraged me to sing at church services even as a little girl.
Who else in your family sings?
Everyone in my family sings, Dad, Mum, and every child can hold a note.
Joy Uyo Adejo Biography,Songs,Husband, Career
Who are your musical inspirations?
I don’t really have specific people I listen to all the time. Sometimes I could listen to just one song for 3weeks coz it speaks to my Soul. I have had times like that with Kiki Sheard, JMoss, Isreal, ASA, India Arie, Lauryn Hill, Audrey Assad, Britt Nicole, Nicole Mullen, Aisha Woods, Anthony Evans, Brandy, Fred Hammond, Praise Adejo, Daniel Addo, Donsam, Detrick Haddon, Tonex. I have listened to these people and learned from them over the years, they have their different styles and I have picked from each of them. I’m more of a Lyricist, the soul of the music also reaches out to me and that inspires me even more than the vocal dexterity of the singer.
Joy Uyo Adejo ‘Deep Waters’ mp3 Download What kind of music do you listen to?
I listen to all kinds of genres of music but I have more of Soul, RnB, Rock and African Music.
What embarrassing songs might I find on your MP3 player?
Uhm I don’t think I have any embarrassing song on my player.
Where would you like to perform most?
I see singing as Ministering and God has sent me to the ends of the earth so I see everywhere as The Place for the moment.
Joy Uyo Adejo Biography,Songs, Husband, Career
If you weren’t singing, what would you be doing?
When I’m not singing, I’m writing or listening to someone sing. Haha.
Do you play any instruments?
I started learning to play the drums, I play at church sometimes.
If you could dabble in another genre of music, what would it be?
I would go into reggae. It has a beautiful feeling that can calm you or get you jumping crazily in excitement.
Joy Uyo Adejo ‘Come’ Mp3 Download What genre of music can’t you stand listening to?
Uhm depends on my disposition at that time but on a good day, I pretty much listen to any genre.
What hidden talents do you have?
Hmm, I think my hidden talent may be hidden to me too oh. Haha! Still undergoing self-discovery. Although the unhidden talents are a handful I await the unveiling of the hidden ones.
Do you enjoy writing music and/or lyrics?
I enjoy writing; it’s a sacred moment for me to connect deep within. And I am a fan of words so it’s the most fun part of making music asides from singing it after it’s finished.
A lot of artists want to sing with you, how can you address that?
Well, I embrace anything that positively fosters the work of the Lord. I also appreciate excellence and Passion. I have met people who want to do quality Music because they want to set the pace and prove that Christian Music shouldn’t be Mediocre and they work hard to improve themselves, such people are fully supported by me.
I see Music as a very Spiritual thing and just listening to the person talk about what the song is about shows the Spirit of the song. The Sons of God are led by The Spirit of God sometimes I get acceptance in my Spirit and I work with a person, sometimes I get a drawback an I refuse the request politely. Basically, that’s what guides me in accepting who I sing with when asked to feature.
I take Music very seriously and knowing every singer is a representative of God we must show forth God’s excellence even in our Music and rightly sing His Word. It’s not just about writing and giving a tune. Christian Music requires Music Ministers, not just Musicians. People who understand the Art of Music and with the Power of God express it.
Through her life Journey many are blessed and their lives are transformed by the power behind her Music.
Advice the upcoming artists
My Advise to upcoming artists is; don’t give up! keep working, keep studying God’s Word, and keep staying in the place of Prayer. From doing these, there is a Power you bring forth that goes beyond your words and voice and every time you open your mouth to sing it paves way for you.
Joy Uyo Adejo Biography,Songs,Husband, Career
Be diligent even if you just sing at your local church and you want to go professional, being diligent in the church is your training ground and what you learn from being diligent there would keep you when you go professional. Your horizon may be expanded but the God at church is the same God when you blow, His Word Never changes so let that be your foundation. It should never be about money or fame. Love God, Love the Music and One day you will reap the harvest!
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Joy Uyo Adejo Biography,Songs,Husband, Career
Joy Uyo Adejo Biography,Songs,Husband, Career