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This song “TEB’ RIG” ( Praise God ) is in my mother tongue and is so simple yet deep heart to praise God for all that he’s done and will do. You might not understand the words being sung in a different langage, but that’s the beauty of worship sometimes. Different nations, different tongues and cultures suddenly being made into ONE, pursing the Presence together with one heart and one mind.
Before God, worship only knows one language, which is the language of love overflowing from a lover’s heart and being poured out at His feet. °
Many asked me to translate it and to sum it up it says:
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“Teb’ teb’ Rig ( Praise God ) 3x
Do Rig a na mi kye riad
( For the Lord has done me good )
Teb’ Rig Teb’ Rig ( Praise God ) 2x
With the songs of gratitude this heart Wii sing your songs of praise cos i know..
Do Rig a na mi kye riad
( For the Lord has done me good )
Maine ne zan baka ya Allah na
( What shall i render to you oh my God )
Don abubuwan da kayi mani
(For the things that you have done for me)
I’ll bring to you my sacrifice of praise oh God
And I’ll testify of your goodness/Greatness oh God
You prepared a table before me,
Surly goodness and mercy dey follow me.
Blessings is my name/ Favor is my name
Ama tell the world, Do Rig a na mi kye riad.
May our hearts remained postured to give Him Praise.
Abbah father
My comforter
You deserve all my praise and worship
As a living sacrifice
I’ll forever be committed to you
My redeemer yeah
The way maker
Lion of Judah
Though the Stormy seas may rise
I’m at peace for my savior liveth
Doh rig ana mi