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Emmanuel Idoko is a gospel music minister who is based in Kaduna, he is the crowner of the song DOBALE FOR YOU which was released earlier this year and now has another sing to Bless souls Titled: OMNIPOTENT GOD
The song Omnipotent God is a worship song which talks about the nature of God and his capabilities.
Our God is the creator of the whole universe (Colossians 1:17) and is capable of turning things around for your good if only you believe in him.
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For our God is before all things and in him all things are held together
His eyes are in every places watching both the evil and the Good
Omnipotent God
Omnipresent God
You alone I will exalt
Omniscience God 2x
Verse 1
You are strong
You are stronger than the Strongest
You are great
You are greater than the Greatest
You are wise
You are wiser than the wisest
I call you best
Because you are the best of the best
So when you stand for us
No man can be against us
When you fight for us
Victory is assured already
When you lift any man
No man can pull him down
When you say yes
No man can say no
Omnipotent God
Omnipresent God
You alone I will exalt
Omniscience God 2x
Verse 2
You got the whole world at the tips of your finger
You control the affairs of men from the circles of the heavens
So when you stand for us
No man can be against us
When you fight for us
Victory is assured already
When you lift any man
No man can bring him down
When you say yes
No man can say no
Omnipotent God
Omnipresent God
You alone I will exalt
Omniscience God 4x
oh oh oh
oh oh oh
oh oh oh
Oh oh oh