CLICK TO JOIN OUR TELEGRAM PAGE Views: 0 Diana Hamilton ‘Grace’ (Full Album) Mp3 Download 2023 ABOUT Runtime: 65.01 mins Release Date: 2023 (Ghana) Artist Name: Diana Hamilton Album Title: ‘Grace’ (Full Album) Tracks: 9 Producer(s): Unknown Genre: (Gospel Music) Tags: Diana Hamilton, Ghana Social: Instagram Follow our Instagram for latest Gospel Songs/Videos Follow our Facebook for latest Gospel Songs/Videos Follow our telegram for latest Gospel Songs/Videos Acclaimed Ghanaian gospel singer, Diana Hamilton, has unveiled a striking album dubbed “Grace”. This work is an assembly of nine meticulously crafted and performed songs, with Hamilton being the sole artist. The album demonstrates her exceptional musicality and profound spirituality as she persistently reaches out to people’s hearts through her music. Being one of Ghana’s most cherished female gospel vocalists, Hamilton’s extraordinary talent earned her the Best Gospel Artiste accolade at the 2020 Vodafone Ghana Music Awards. Her contribution to the proliferation and advancement of gospel music in Ghana is indeed substantial. Hamilton first came to the limelight in the Ghanaian Gospel Music Industry following the release of her sophomore album, “Ensi Wo Yie”, in 2010. Hamilton, a native of Kumasi, Ghana, initiated her singing journey as a young member of her church choir. With time, her passion for music and devotion to God deepened, guiding her to embark on a professional journey in gospel music. TRACKLIST: Diana Hamilton ‘Grace’ (Full Album) Mp3 Download 2023 1. W’asem- DOWNLOAD NOW! 2. Free Indeed- DOWNLOAD NOW! 3. Monto Yehowa Nwom (Live) – DOWNLOAD NOW! 4. Awurade Ye- DOWNLOAD NOW! 5. Adom- DOWNLOAD NOW! 6. We Hail You – DOWNLOAD NOW! 7. Victory Praise (Live) – DOWNLOAD NOW! 8. Hymns Medley (Live) – DOWNLOAD NOW! 9. Nyansabuakwa Nyame (Live) – DOWNLOAD NOW! [highlight color=”yellow”]Revelationmusik is committed to complying with the requirements of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) and other applicable intellectual property laws. Therefore, we will promptly respond to any and all take-down requests that meet the necessary legal criteria. If you are a copyright owner and believe that a file uploaded to infringes upon your rights, please contact us at to submit a request. Thank you for your cooperation.[/highlight] More On: Diana Hamilton 'Grace' (Full Album)