Mali Music ‘Rampage’ Mp3 Download & Lyrics 2023

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Mali Music ‘Rampage’ Mp3 Download & Lyrics 2023


Runtime: 5 mins

Release Date: 2023 (Nigeria)

Artist Name: Mali Music

Album Title: God Be Praised

Music Title: Rampage

Producer(s): Mali Music

Genre: (Gospel Music)

Tags: God be Praised, Mali music

Social: Instagram

Prolific and talented American artist, Mali music unfolds this beautiful music named, Rampage. Cop it below.

Listen and Share this beautiful music tagged, Rampage, written and recorded by the renowned American vocal singer, Mali Music. It was his newly-released studio collection tagged, God Be Praised, that gave birth to this banging tune, which one would love to hear over and over again.

Mali Music known for his passion and hard work for good music dished out this song for the retentive listening pleasure of his audience. God be Praised (Album), showcases Mali Music’s new dimension artistry, his delivery and vocals on this project are so eloquent and very on point.

Once again, Mali Music is back to quench the urge for new music by his fans and supporters who always look up to him in that aspect. Trust me, Mali Music never disappoints when it comes to delivering classic tunes.

Download the Latest songs, Albums, videos, and playlists by Mali music MP3 download & Lyrics 2023

Follow the link below to download it here

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Rampage lyrics By Mali Music

Night is full of sleepless time and

Life is full of hidden diamonds

Looking for the silver lining

See me smile but in my mind it’s

Rampage, ooh (Pray for me, ooh)

Rampage, ooh (Pray for me, ooh)

Rampage, ooh (Pray for me)


Am I bad

Am I delirious

I’m past the furious stage

And getting curious

Why the situation gotta stay up in my

I can’t even chill

The root of all evil is the dollar bill

I can’t even feel

I ask for the truth it’ll be revealed

Night is full of sleepless time and

Life is full of hidden diamonds

Looking for the silver lining

See me smile but in my mind it’s

Rampage, ooh (Pray for me, ooh)

Rampage, ooh (Pray for me, ooh)

Rampage, ooh (Pray for me)


With you take you home if I

Take it that way am I wrong if I

I won’t sleep right til it’s bona fide

Everything alive know is born to die

Out of focus with an open conscience

They trying to promote the content

On the documentary for country music

They wanna be Dolly Parton

I went to the music when it got confusing

Talking from the fully heart

On the documentary for country music

They wanna be Dolly Parton

I want the heart of God

Who put the greens in the candy yams

I want agape God

How we succeed with the blood of lamb

I wish the devil might

Every time I look up guess who in a fight

Stressing Hebrew Israelites

Picture people throwing rice

Night is full of sleepless time and

Life is full of hidden diamonds

Looking for the silver lining

See me smile but in my mind it’s

Rampage, ooh (Pray for me, ooh)

Rampage, ooh (Pray for me, ooh)

Rampage, ooh (Pray for me)




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