Donnie McClurkin ‘Wait On The Lord’ (ft Karen Clark Sheard) Mp3 Download & Lyrics

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Donnie McClurkin ‘Wait On The Lord’ (ft Karen Clark Sheard) Mp3 Download & Lyrics


Runtime: 5.06 mins

Release Date: 2023 (United State)

Artist Name: Donnie McClurkin

Album Title: ‘We All Are One’ (Full Album)

Song Title: ‘Wait On The Lord’ (ft Karen Clark Sheard)

Tracks: 3

Producer(s): Donnie McClurkin

Genre: (Gospel Music)

Tags: Donnie McClurkin, United State, (Live in Detroit)

Social: Instagram


Celebrated gospel minister Donnie McClurkin offers an invigorating composition named “Wait On The Lord” to enchant his loyal fans.

We are delighted to present the harmonious magnum opus “Wait On The Lord,” skilfully crafted by Donnie McClurkin in 2019 as an integral part of his renowned gospel project, “We All Are One.” Upon its release, this collection stirred the souls of enthusiasts, with “Wait On The Lord” marking the 5th track in this heavenly anthology, consisting of an impressive lineup of fourteen worship melodies. For admirers of gospel music, immersing in this song is a compelling necessity.

Donnie McClurkin’s musical virtuosity has not only reached countless hearts but also guided many spirits towards God. As an American vocalist, he upholds a prestigious stature within the gospel music sphere, acquiring widespread accolades and garnering a committed international fanbase.

Donnie McClurkin, a respected American gospel singer, pastor, and songwriter, is known for his potent vocals and influential ministry. Born on November 9, 1959, in Amityville, New York, McClurkin has etched a permanent mark on the global gospel music scene.


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Download the Latest songs, Albums, videos, and playlists by Donnie McClurkin Mp3 download & Lyrics 2023

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Lyrics: Wait On The Lord By Donnie McClurkin

Sometimes in life you’ll find that
You get in a hurry
But when you have assurance
No need to worry

You can wait, wait, wait on the Lord and you’ll see
He always keeps his word
Must, just, trust in Him
Don’t be dismayed

Patience in time of trouble,
Trust and believe Him
And everything God promised
You will receive it

If you wait, wait, wait on the Lord
And you’ll see that He
He’ll always keep His word.
Must, just trust in Him
Don’t be dismayed

Trust in the word of God
For His word is true
When did He promise anything in your life
That He would not do.

Trust and depend on Him
He’s always on time
Don’t be discouraged
If you just believe, you will receive it

If you wait, wait, wait on the Lord
And you’ll see He’ll
He will keep his word
Must, just, trust in Him
Don’t you be dismayed [x2]

If you wait, wait, wait on the Lord
And you’ll see
He will always come through
Must, just, trust in Him
He will keep His word

[Vamp:] If you wait on Him [x2] Wait on the Lord [x2]

Don’t be discouraged
Don’t you be dismayed
Hold on to his promises

Wait on the Lord
Be of good courage
And He will strengthen your heart

If you wait on Him
Nobody can do you like Him
He will, he’ll come to you

Wait, wait, wait on God
Wait upon the Lord
He shall renew your strength

I will wait, wait, wait on Him
I’m not going no where…












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