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“Jesus Will Not Wait in Vain” by Lawrence Oyor, is now accessible on various digital platforms.
I appreciate the decision to release this song once more. May there be an abundance of grace, sir. It’s truly wonderful to witness these songs being revamped repeatedly, ensuring that their melodies remain on Earth and in people’s hearts. May there be even more grace, sir, in the name of Jesus.
Download the Latest songs, Albums, videos, and playlists by Lawrence Oyor Mp3 download & Lyrics 2023
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[button color=”primary” size=”small” link=”https://revelationmusik.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/Lawrence_Oyor_-_Jesus_will_Not_Wait_in_Vain_ revelationmusik.net.mp3″ icon=”” target=”false” center=”false” nofollow=”false” sponsored=”false”]DOWNLOAD NOW![/button]