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Solomon Joshua popularly known as Esmond hails from kaduna state Nigeria, gbagyi by tribe and currently base in kaduna. He has an award of bachelor of degree in accounting from kaduna state university
He started singing at a tender age back then in kauna Baptist church, later on he join the saint and extreme crew where God has been helping him.
Esmond is a fast rising gospel minister in Nigeria. He is an R n B singer, worship and praise leader and lead vocalist in his local church and also in extreme.
He was once the Music director of his local assembly grace Baptist church ungwan rimi, While in kaduna state university (NIFES) and in NCCF as a Corps member serving in jigawa state.
The song “vessel unto honor” was inspired by the Holy Spirit while waiting upon the Lord (2 timothy 2:20-22). I pray that this song will be a blessing unto you. Thank you
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Vessel untoHonor (2TIM 2:20-21)
Ruhu mai tsarki ka bi dani
Ka tache ‘’rayuwa ta………… rayuwa ta
Ruhu mai tsarki ka bi dani
Ka tsarkake rayuwa ta……… rayuwa ta (2*)
Domin in Zama Santali mai daraja (4*)
In a Large house are differentArticles
Of Gold, Silver, Wood and clay
I distinguish myself
For the masters use
Set Apart’’ (2*)
“Make me a vessel unto honor
Make me your vessel Lord
Worthy to be used
Worthy of your praise’’ (2*)
Ruhu mai tsarki ka bi dani
Ka tache ‘’rayuwa ta………… (Unisom)
Ruhu mai tsarki ka bi dani (Unisom)
Ka tsarkake rayuwa ta……… rayuwa ta (2*)
Domin in Zama Santali mai daraja (4*)
Lord my soul longs for you
Mold me,fix my Heart
I surrender all
Made me whole, purify me, qualify me
Spirit breathe on me
“Make me a vessel unto honor
Make me your vessel Lord
Worthy to be used
Worthy of your praise’’ (2*)