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Download Hymnal By Felicia K. Ft Dr Christine Skambo || Pst Kingsley Ike

Download Hymnal By Felicia K, the beautiful medley is a Hymnal, sung in both English and her native dialect Igala. Please donโ€™t miss this powerful worship experience, download Hymnal and share with the world.



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Felicia K was born to the family of Mary and Rev. B.O Adama of Qua Iboe Church now known as United Evangelical Mission. She grew up as a โ€˜church girlโ€™, loving God and the things of God without reservations. Feliciaโ€™s love for music drove her into joining various music groups growing up, so much that she became the FCS choir mistress while she was in JSS 2, she became the only junior student who was an Ex co. The quest for more led her to Praise Chapel Kaduna (International Praise Cathedral) in 1995, where she became a chorister in 1996 till date. Music is her life and her life is music.

This Hymnal is a collection of four great hymns and songs as writing by:
Bill and Gloria Gaither (Burdens are lifted at Calvary),
Lewis Hartsough (1872) (I hear thy welcome voice)
Manie Payne Ferguson (Fairest of all the earth beside), and
William Hunter (the great physician now is near).

Hymns have such lyrical content that transcends generations and is unequaled.
The motive behind this medley is to point our generation back to Calvary, the cross and to Jesus the Lord of all.

This medley was produces by Ebenezer Iriemi, Felicia featured Dr. Christine Skambo, a great preacher, singer, songwriter, author, intellectual, mother, mentor and coach, and Pastor Kingsley Ike aka The Wamilele King, who is also the Senior Pastor of Greenland Ministries.



*Hymnal (English/Igala)* Lyrics
*(Burdens are lifted at Calvary)*
Burdens are lifted at Calvary Calvary, Calvary Burdens are lifted at Calvary Jesus is very near
*(I hear they welcome voice)*
I hear Thy welcome voice,
ย  That calls me, Lord, to Thee,
For cleansing in Thy precious blood
ย  That flowed on Calvary.
ย I am coming, Lord,
ย  Coming now to Thee:
Wash me, cleanse me in the blood
ย  ย  That flowed on Calvary.
*(Fairest of all / that man of Calvary)*
Uw แบธnutแป ki tโ€™uma le (Fairest of all the earth beside,)
Abo-Wแบน duu aรฑwulแป Wแบน (Chiefest of all unto Thy bride,)
Ukefu แปŒJแปŒ def uwแบน, (Fullness divine in Thee I see,)
Uwแบน, แบธnutแป Kalfari (Beautiful Man of Calvary!)
แบธnแบน kalfari lแบน (That Man of Calvary)
Lam umi แบนdแป gbแบน (Has won my heart from me,)
I lekwu koji mi; (And died to set me free,)
Mแบน gwโ€™แบธnแบน Kalfari (Blest Man of Calvary!)
*(The Great Physician)*
Atแบนko ki nyแป dโ€™emi fai (The Great Physician now is near,)
Jisแปs ki lโ€™ejumomi (The sympathizing Jesus;)
แปŒla-Wรฑ kโ€™I ka any on แบนdแป; (He speaks the drooping heart to cheer,)
Mแบน gbโ€™omukแปla Jisแปs (Oh, hear the voice of Jesus!)
Eli duu kโ€™onแบน akแป, (Sweetest note in seraph song;)
Alu duu kโ€™od onแบน dแบน (Sweetest name on mortal tongue;)
I nโ€™ee-du ki tโ€™e-i len; (Sweetest carol ever sung:)
Jisแปs, OODU Jisแปs. (Jesus, blessed Jesus!)

Joshua Daniel

Nigerian based gospel minister CEO of Revelationmusik, a blogger, a social media manager and an entrepreneur. I have worked with so many notable names and award-winning artists in the Gospel genre of Christian music, both locally and internationally.

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