Quincy Bell

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Quincy Bell is a powerhouse vocalist, counsellor, and inspirational leader.  With a heart for God and a passion for empowering others, she wears many hats – but all with the same mission: to uplift and inspire. As a minister of the gospel, Quincy shares her faith and inspires congregations around the world.

As a certified Counsellor she leverages her expertise (Blackford Centre for Counselling UK) to guide individuals and couples through life’s challenges.

She’s a relationship and marriage coach drawing from her own experience as a wife and mother, Quincy equips couples for success.


With over 15 years of experience, Quincy has performed internationally, collaborating with renowned vocal coach Cheryl Porter (Chicago, USA) and touring Italy and Germany.

She is a SIAE-Registered Recording Artist (Italy) and  Her music, known for its uplifting sound and positive messages, connects with audiences globally.  From her impactful debut in Cameroon (2004) to her latest EP (2021), Quincy’s music continues to resonate.

Beyond the stage Quincy is an author, the author of “The Power of Rejection” which equips readers to overcome setbacks and embrace their potential.

She heads “The Assiduous Woman”: which is a Germany-based women’s group that fosters empowerment and connection.

She is the cofounder of Quincy Davies Ministries and together with her husband, Pastor Dan Davies, they reach out through music and marriage ministry, serving the community and various causes worldwide.

She was born in Mundemba, Cameroon (1983), Quincy’s journey began with singing at a young age, eventually leading her to a linguistics degree from the University of Dschang and a pursuit of music in Italy.


Quincy Bell is a testament to the power of faith, music, and service.

Social platforms for Quincy Bell.


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